Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet

Rhodonite is an excellent stone to add to life. It carries a unique combination of shades of pink colour. Rhodonite is a manganese metasilicate mineral. This brilliant stone is an angel of love, compassion, and balance. Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet is highly recommended for trading love, enjoying blissful life, and living in peace. By fulfilling your emotional needs, it makes you stronger.
What are the Benefits of Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet?
The benefits of wearing a Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet are countless; yet, some assured benefits experienced by people are shared below:
  • It opens and balances your heart chakra, thus, making you emotionally healthy & stronger.
  • Rhodonite works as an ultimate remedy to please the pleasure-giving planet Venus.
  • This bracelet of universal love teaches you the art of giving and receiving true love.
  • Making you emotionally and mentally stronger, Rhodonite prevents unnecessary people, emotions, situations and things to disturb you.
  • Rhodonite leaves a soothing effect on nerves; hence, it is widely used to calm anxieties.
  • It acts as major support at whatever point of life you need.
  • This bracelet of manifestation fulfils your noble dreams & desires; also, it helps you achieve your targeted goals.
  • This love expert removes problems in love life and relationships.
  • The wearer of this bracelet remains encircled with all the love, support, positivity, harmony, and peace.
  • The loving Rhodonite removes the wicked feelings like jealousy & anger and helps you aim higher.
  • It as well enhances beauty & attraction; it attracts potential people, unconditional love, desired partner, and meaningful opportunities.
  • In case you are out of your league, this Rhodonite crystal bracelet gets you back to the charge of your life.
  • It gives you a sense of security with which no do not live with insecurities & complexes.
  • Regardless of the situation, it rebalances your soul.
Who Shall Wear Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet?
Generally, anybody can wear the Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet for overall success; however, it provides guaranteed results in the cases mentioned below:
  • People who feel alone shall wear it.
  • People who are emotionally dissatisfied or unhappy shall wear it.
  • People who want to enhance the attraction power shall wear it.
  • People who are facing problems in their love life shall wear it.
  • People who want to attract a desired love and partner in life shall wear it.
  • People who want to attract beneficial opportunities shall wear it.
  • People who are going through separation pangs and breakup mourn shall wear it.
How to Wear Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet?
Here are certain ways to use the Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet. You can use any one of them to take advantage of this magical bracelet.
  • Wear the Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet in either hand.
  • Keep the Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet in the pocket or purse.
  • Children may keep the Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet in their school/college bag.
On Which Day to Wear Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet?
Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet can be worn irrespective of day and time. However, prefer to wear this magical bracelet in the daylight.
How Many Rhodonite Crystal Bracelets to Wear?
One bracelet is enough; however, more bracelets can be worn to enhance beauty.
What are the Preventions While Wearing the Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet?
There are no such preventions to be followed while wearing the bracelet. You do not need to make any changes in your routine after wearing this bracelet. It will keep working and benefiting you till you are connected to it physically & psychologically.
Difference between Charged & Uncharged Bracelet:
Pandit.com offers you both charged & uncharged Rhodonite Crystal Bracelets which you can order as per your need and budget. Charged bracelet reaches you after performing certain Puja, Chanting of respective Mantras, and giving intent to the bracelet which takes considerable time & energy. However, the charged bracelet begins to work faster than an uncharged bracelet. On the other hand, we also offer uncharged bracelets on which no custom of Puja, Mantra, or intent has been performed. It does not mean the uncharged bracelet does not work; it just takes some time to sync with your energies.
Return Policy
If you want to return the item, you have to return it within 24 hours.
A bracelet must contain a minimum of 18-20 beads. However, we add some extra beads in a bracelet so that if – by chance – any bead turns out to be damaged/broken, you could remove it and string the bracelet again to sustain the bead requirement of the bracelet. Web & Crack-like lines in the stones/beads are natural; They occur during the stone making process.


How to Use:

  • You may wear it in the neck.
  • You may wear it as earring.
  • You may wear it as a bracelet.
  • You may use it as a key ring.
  • You may keep it in the purse, pocket or bag.
  • You may keep it under the pillow or on the bedside.
  • You may establish it in the worship room or office.
  • You may dip it in the water for the whole night and drink its charged water in the morning.


  • Remove it before sleeping.
  • Remove it before taking a bath.


Rhodonite is an excellent stone to add to life. It carries a unique combination of shades of pink colour. Rhodonite is a manganese metasilicate mineral. This brilliant stone is an angel of love, compassion, and balance. Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet is highly recommended for trading love, enjoying blissful life, and living in peace. By fulfilling your emotional needs, it makes you stronger.

What are the Benefits of Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet?

The benefits of wearing a Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet are countless; yet, some assured benefits experienced by people are shared below:

  • It opens and balances your heart chakra, thus, making you emotionally healthy & stronger.
  • Rhodonite works as an ultimate remedy to please the pleasure-giving planet Venus.
  • This bracelet of universal love teaches you the art of giving and receiving true love.
  • Making you emotionally and mentally stronger, Rhodonite prevents unnecessary people, emotions, situations and things to disturb you.
  • Rhodonite leaves a soothing effect on nerves; hence, it is widely used to calm anxieties.
  • It acts as major support at whatever point of life you need.
  • This bracelet of manifestation fulfils your noble dreams & desires; also, it helps you achieve your targeted goals.
  • This love expert removes problems in love life and relationships.
  • The wearer of this bracelet remains encircled with all the love, support, positivity, harmony, and peace.
  • The loving Rhodonite removes the wicked feelings like jealousy & anger and helps you aim higher.
  • It as well enhances beauty & attraction; it attracts potential people, unconditional love, desired partner, and meaningful opportunities.
  • In case you are out of your league, this Rhodonite crystal bracelet gets you back to the charge of your life.
  • It gives you a sense of security with which no do not live with insecurities & complexes.
  • Regardless of the situation, it rebalances your soul.
Who Shall Wear Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet?

Generally, anybody can wear the Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet for overall success; however, it provides guaranteed results in the cases mentioned below:

  • People who feel alone shall wear it.
  • People who are emotionally dissatisfied or unhappy shall wear it.
  • People who want to enhance the attraction power shall wear it.
  • People who are facing problems in their love life shall wear it.
  • People who want to attract a desired love and partner in life shall wear it.
  • People who want to attract beneficial opportunities shall wear it.
  • People who are going through separation pangs and breakup mourn shall wear it.
How to Wear Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet?

Here are certain ways to use the Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet. You can use any one of them to take advantage of this magical bracelet.

  • Wear the Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet in either hand.
  • Keep the Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet in the pocket or purse.
  • Children may keep the Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet in their school/college bag.
On Which Day to Wear Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet?

Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet can be worn irrespective of day and time. However, prefer to wear this magical bracelet in the daylight.

How Many Rhodonite Crystal Bracelets to Wear?

One bracelet is enough; however, more bracelets can be worn to enhance beauty.

What are the Preventions While Wearing the Rhodonite Crystal Bracelet?

There are no such preventions to be followed while wearing the bracelet. You do not need to make any changes in your routine after wearing this bracelet. It will keep working and benefiting you till you are connected to it physically & psychologically.

Difference between Charged & Uncharged Bracelet:

Pandit.com offers you both charged & uncharged Rhodonite Crystal Bracelets which you can order as per your need and budget.

Charged bracelet reaches you after performing certain Puja, Chanting of respective Mantras, and giving intent to the bracelet which takes considerable time & energy. However, the charged bracelet begins to work faster than an uncharged bracelet.

On the other hand, we also offer uncharged bracelets on which no custom of Puja, Mantra, or intent has been performed. It does not mean the uncharged bracelet does not work; it just takes some time to sync with your energies.

Return Policy

If you want to return the item, you have to return it within 24 hours.


A bracelet must contain a minimum of 18-20 beads. However, we add some extra beads in a bracelet so that if – by chance – any bead turns out to be damaged/broken, you could remove it and string the bracelet again to sustain the bead requirement of the bracelet.

Web & Crack-like lines in the stones/beads are natural; They occur during the stone making process.