Lepidolite Natural Raw Stones

“After mother’s lap, peace & protection is found in Lepidolite only!”

How is Lepidolite formed?

Lepidolite is the name of a lithium-rich mica mineral that is very rare. The formation of Lepidolite is feasible only in geochemical environments with high concentrations of lithium – quite a rare situation. Lithium-ion is smaller and tough to substitute in other minerals; therefore, it takes longer to form minerals during crystallization. With the lapse of other ions, the remaining fluids of magma crystallization assume plenty of lithium. When the crystallization process is at its last stage, abundant lithium is present to produce discrete lithium minerals such as Lepidolite, Petalite, and Spodumene. Lepidolite mainly occurs in Brazil, Canada, Japan, Madagascar, Maine, Russia, Sweden, the United States, and Western Australia.

How does the Lepidolite assume colour?

The colour of Lepidolite is the upshot of the presence of manganese in it. Lepidolite rocks are predominantly accessible in red, pink & purple shades. The periodic darker tone of the mineral gives it a greyish tone. However, rarely but surely, Lepidolite is also available in the colourless or yellow shade.

What is so special about Lepidolite?

The name Lepidolite is derived from the Greek word “lepidos” implies scale, and “lithos” implies stone. This stone is so soft that cutting it becomes possible only when it is found in the quartz body. For centuries people have been using Lepidolite to soothe emotions & pains. Rich with lithium content, Lepidolite is placed on the third eye point to bring major transformations in attitude, thought process, and overall demeanour.

Why should Lepidolite be your top choice?

In this hectic world, we need an above-strong soother, and the need is totally met with Lepidolite. Lepidolite absorbs the denser energies that can affect the body, mind & soul and lighten the atmosphere, in which develops health, happiness, relaxation & prosperity.

Lepidolite belongs to which planet?

Lepidolite is pleasing to the planet Venus. It makes a person worriless and relieves stress, makes confident, improves aesthetic sense, and makes impressively presentable.

How can Lepidolite change your life?

Lepidolite is the single stone to open up all the chakras from the base to the crown. One does not remain the same after imbibing the oomph of Lepidolite as it transforms the person & life absolutely. This stone of renewal keeps throwing life-changing opportunities before you, grabbing which you reach new heights in life. This stone gives a massive leap in life. He who is wandering here & there in this perishable world needs a guide like Lepidolite. This mature stone makes you bigger than the challenges of this world and survive without getting affected. It is a tested stress buster! Lepidolite brings calmness & deep relaxation to life and prevents panic attacks, anxiety issues, mental burdens, sleeplessness, and depression. The negativity of any sort doesn’t dare to intrude on the owner of Lepidolite as long as he is under this protective stone. This divine guard not only protects but alerts of the threats around you. It is a panacea for emotionally unstable folks. This stone gets emotions under control and prevents overflowing emotions & emotional coldness. This stone endorses balance in every aspect of life. It is best to use in chaotic situations and gives every situation an easy spin. If a situation seems harmful & hurtful, change it with the Lepidolite stone. With the support of this amazing stone, you may get heavy on others in debates, disputes & meetings. Indeed, a crystal like Lepidolite is a necessity for the men of the Kali age. It is also used as an unfailing instrument to ace spiritual practices like meditation, chakra balancing, kundalini awakening, and similar! It takes one to a state of deep relaxation; a relaxed mind (devoid of worldly tensions) experiences a better connection with the higher self. Lepidolite is clandestine of many successful energy healers.

Which diseases can be cured by Lepidolite?

Lepidolite is an alternative treatment for wounds, rashes, scars, skin disorders, diabetes, restlessness, asthma, appendix, loss of appetite, vomiting, pains, heart, toxins, joint pains, bones, muscles, migraines, Alzheimer, menopause, mood swings, irritation, epilepsy, chemical imbalance, hypertension, anxiety, and depression.

How to use Lepidolite stone?

Here are some simple rituals to make the most of the Lepidolite stone:

Display the Crystal, Meditate with the Crystal, Keep Crystals on Chakras, Keep Crystals on Body, Manifestation, Wear Crystals, Carry Crystals, Bring Crystals to Yoga Practice, Bring Crystals to Spiritual & Psychic Practice, Block EMF Waves & Radiation, Sleep with Crystals, Heal & energize the belongings, and Use Crystal Grid.


How to Use:

  • You may wear it in the neck.
  • You may wear it as earring.
  • You may wear it as a bracelet.
  • You may use it as a key ring.
  • You may keep it in the purse, pocket or bag.
  • You may keep it under the pillow or on the bedside.
  • You may establish it in the worship room or office.
  • You may dip it in the water for the whole night and drink its charged water in the morning.


  • Remove it before sleeping.
  • Remove it before taking a bath.


“After mother’s lap,
peace & protection is found in Lepidolite only!”

How is Lepidolite formed?

Lepidolite is the name of a lithium-rich mica mineral that is very rare. The formation of Lepidolite is feasible only in geochemical environments with high concentrations of lithium – quite a rare situation. Lithium-ion is smaller and tough to substitute in other minerals; therefore, it takes longer to form minerals during crystallization.

With the lapse of other ions, the remaining fluids of magma crystallization assume plenty of lithium. When the crystallization process is at its last stage, abundant lithium is present to produce discrete lithium minerals such as Lepidolite, Petalite, and Spodumene.

Lepidolite mainly occurs in Brazil, Canada, Japan, Madagascar, Maine, Russia, Sweden, the United States, and Western Australia.

How does the Lepidolite assume colour?

The colour of Lepidolite is the upshot of the presence of manganese in it. Lepidolite rocks are predominantly accessible in red, pink & purple shades. The periodic darker tone of the mineral gives it a greyish tone. However, rarely but surely, Lepidolite is also available in the colourless or yellow shade.

What is so special about Lepidolite?

The name Lepidolite is derived from the Greek word “lepidos” implies scale, and “lithos” implies stone. This stone is so soft that cutting it becomes possible only when it is found in the quartz body. For centuries people have been using Lepidolite to soothe emotions & pains. Rich with lithium content, Lepidolite is placed on the third eye point to bring major transformations in attitude, thought process, and overall demeanour.

Why should Lepidolite be your top choice?

In this hectic world, we need an above-strong soother, and the need is totally met with Lepidolite. Lepidolite absorbs the denser energies that can affect the body, mind & soul and lighten the atmosphere, in which develops health, happiness, relaxation & prosperity.

Lepidolite belongs to which planet?

Lepidolite is pleasing to the planet Venus. It makes a person worriless and relieves stress, makes confident, improves aesthetic sense, and makes impressively presentable.

How can Lepidolite change your life?

Lepidolite is the single stone to open up all the chakras from the base to the crown. One does not remain the same after imbibing the oomph of Lepidolite as it transforms the person & life absolutely.

This stone of renewal keeps throwing life-changing opportunities before you, grabbing which you reach new heights in life. This stone gives a massive leap in life.

He who is wandering here & there in this perishable world needs a guide like Lepidolite. This mature stone makes you bigger than the challenges of this world and survive without getting affected.

It is a tested stress buster! Lepidolite brings calmness & deep relaxation to life and prevents panic attacks, anxiety issues, mental burdens, sleeplessness, and depression.

The negativity of any sort doesn’t dare to intrude on the owner of Lepidolite as long as he is under this protective stone. This divine guard not only protects but alerts of the threats around you.

It is a panacea for emotionally unstable folks. This stone gets emotions under control and prevents overflowing emotions & emotional coldness. This stone endorses balance in every aspect of life.

It is best to use in chaotic situations and gives every situation an easy spin. If a situation seems harmful & hurtful, change it with the Lepidolite stone. With the support of this amazing stone, you may get heavy on others in debates, disputes & meetings. Indeed, a crystal like Lepidolite is a necessity for the men of the Kali age.

It is also used as an unfailing instrument to ace spiritual practices like meditation, chakra balancing, kundalini awakening, and similar! It takes one to a state of deep relaxation; a relaxed mind (devoid of worldly tensions) experiences a better connection with the higher self. Lepidolite is clandestine of many successful energy healers.

Which diseases can be cured by Lepidolite?

Lepidolite is an alternative treatment for wounds, rashes, scars, skin disorders, diabetes, restlessness, asthma, appendix, loss of appetite, vomiting, pains, heart, toxins, joint pains, bones, muscles, migraines, Alzheimer, menopause, mood swings, irritation, epilepsy, chemical imbalance, hypertension, anxiety, and depression.

How to use Lepidolite stone?

Here are some simple rituals to make the most of the Lepidolite stone:

Display the Crystal, Meditate with the Crystal, Keep Crystals on Chakras, Keep Crystals on Body, Manifestation, Wear Crystals, Carry Crystals, Bring Crystals to Yoga Practice, Bring Crystals to Spiritual & Psychic Practice, Block EMF Waves & Radiation, Sleep with Crystals, Heal & energize the belongings, and Use Crystal Grid.