Smoky Quartz Natural Raw Stones

Smoky Quartz supports like a pillar in the tornado!

How is Smoky Quartz formed? The exact process of smoky quartz formation can vary depending on the specific geological conditions. Smoky quartz is formed when quartz crystals begin to grow within a pocket of molten rock or magma deep beneath the earth’s surface. This process can take millions of years. As the quartz crystals grow, they are exposed to natural radiation from nearby minerals such as uranium. This radiation causes the quartz to turn a smoky brown to black colour. Eventually, the molten rock or magma cools and solidifies, trapping the smoky quartz crystals inside. Over time, the surrounding rock erodes away, exposing the smoky quartz crystals. Smoky quartz can be found all over the world, but some of the most notable deposits are in Brazil, Colourado, and Scotland. How does the Smoky Quartz assume colour? Smoky quartz is a type of quartz crystal that gets its characteristic smoky brown-to-black colour from natural radiation exposure during its formation. The colour of smoky quartz is because of the aluminium impurities present in it. When the surrounding rocks produce natural radiation, it activates colour hubs around aluminium impurities within the crystalline quartz. The process is somewhat similar to how amethyst assumes its colour. What is so special about Smoky Quartz? Smoky quartz is capable of absorbing electromagnetic fields emitted by electronic appliances/devices. EMF is dangerous to the human mind, body & health; in this event, it becomes inevitable to absorb these lethal rays before they reach humans, which becomes feasible by a natural tool called the smoky quartz. Why should Smoky Quartz be your top choice? If you want to give yourself & family a safe environment to breathe, smoky quartz shall be at the top of your safety measures rundown. Smoky Quartz or caring quartz takes negativity on it and safeguards the habitats. People breathing under the benevolence of smoky quartz fall less sick, remain unaffected by evil forces and stay healthy. Smoky Quartz belongs to which planet? Smoky Quartz is pleasing to the planet Saturn. It helps reap the fruit of labour, makes logical & hardworking, ensures sound health, and helps reach the top level in a career. How can Smoky Quartz change your life? It leaves a direct impact on the base and solar plexus chakra. Balancing your earth and air elements, smoky quartz makes you able to compete with the outer world in terms of financial status, communication, and innovation. If life seems like standing on shaky ground, hold the support of smoky quartz stone. Stability in life & career comes with the grace of smoky quartz. No matter how hard the turmoil in life is, smoky quartz will keep you still & unaffected. It is a shrine to hide under in the storm! By keeping you unaffected by worldly concerns, smoky quartz helps you stay calm, level-headed, positive & mature. The primary job it performs is clearing the negative air – the main cause of sorrows, diseases, grieves, discomfort & irritation. When the air is positive & purified, prosperity, health, success & bliss do not need any invitation. This grounding stone brings a strange balance in personality of the owner. It prevents blabbing, unnecessary risks, illogical talks, and directionless paths; conversely, it makes you logical, wise, eloquent, and following the right path. The possessor of smoky quartz isn’t carried away by unnecessary emotions and always maintains a balance stature. Experts found manifestation an amazing trait associated with this variety of quartz. Manifestation techniques catch speed and permit when done with the smoky quartz. Not only manifestation, this supernatural stone develops intuition & psychic vision as well. Which diseases can be cured by Smoky Quartz? Smoky quartz performs healing on abdomen, legs, hips, cramps, nerves, back pain, muscle pain, sprains, swellings, heart, and reproductive system. How to use Smoky Quartz stone? Here are some simple rituals to make the most of the Smoky Quartz stone: Display the Crystal, Meditate with the Crystal, Keep Crystals on Chakras, Keep Crystals on Body, Manifestation, Wear Crystals, Carry Crystals, Bring Crystals to Yoga Practice, Bring Crystals to Spiritual & Psychic Practice, Block EMF Waves & Radiation, Sleep with Crystals, Heal & energize the belongings, and Use Crystal Grid.


How to Use:

  • You may wear it in the neck.
  • You may wear it as earring.
  • You may wear it as a bracelet.
  • You may use it as a key ring.
  • You may keep it in the purse, pocket or bag.
  • You may keep it under the pillow or on the bedside.
  • You may establish it in the worship room or office.
  • You may dip it in the water for the whole night and drink its charged water in the morning.


  • Remove it before sleeping.
  • Remove it before taking a bath.


Smoky Quartz supports like a pillar in the tornado!

How is Smoky Quartz formed?

The exact process of smoky quartz formation can vary depending on the specific geological conditions. Smoky quartz is formed when quartz crystals begin to grow within a pocket of molten rock or magma deep beneath the earth’s surface. This process can take millions of years. As the quartz crystals grow, they are exposed to natural radiation from nearby minerals such as uranium. This radiation causes the quartz to turn a smoky brown to black colour. Eventually, the molten rock or magma cools and solidifies, trapping the smoky quartz crystals inside. Over time, the surrounding rock erodes away, exposing the smoky quartz crystals.

Smoky quartz can be found all over the world, but some of the most notable deposits are in Brazil, Colourado, and Scotland.

How does the Smoky Quartz assume colour?

Smoky quartz is a type of quartz crystal that gets its characteristic smoky brown-to-black colour from natural radiation exposure during its formation. The colour of smoky quartz is because of the aluminium impurities present in it. When the surrounding rocks produce natural radiation, it activates colour hubs around aluminium impurities within the crystalline quartz. The process is somewhat similar to how amethyst assumes its colour.

What is so special about Smoky Quartz?

Smoky quartz is capable of absorbing electromagnetic fields emitted by electronic appliances/devices. EMF is dangerous to the human mind, body & health; in this event, it becomes inevitable to absorb these lethal rays before they reach humans, which becomes feasible by a natural tool called the smoky quartz.

Why should Smoky Quartz be your top choice?

If you want to give yourself & family a safe environment to breathe, smoky quartz shall be at the top of your safety measures rundown. Smoky Quartz or caring quartz takes negativity on it and safeguards the habitats. People breathing under the benevolence of smoky quartz fall less sick, remain unaffected by evil forces and stay healthy.

Smoky Quartz belongs to which planet?

Smoky Quartz is pleasing to the planet Saturn. It helps reap the fruit of labour, makes logical & hardworking, ensures sound health, and helps reach the top level in a career.

How can Smoky Quartz change your life?

It leaves a direct impact on the base and solar plexus chakra. Balancing your earth and air elements, smoky quartz makes you able to compete with the outer world in terms of financial status, communication, and innovation.

If life seems like standing on shaky ground, hold the support of smoky quartz stone. Stability in life & career comes with the grace of smoky quartz. No matter how hard the turmoil in life is, smoky quartz will keep you still & unaffected.

It is a shrine to hide under in the storm! By keeping you unaffected by worldly concerns, smoky quartz helps you stay calm, level-headed, positive & mature.

The primary job it performs is clearing the negative air – the main cause of sorrows, diseases, grieves, discomfort & irritation. When the air is positive & purified, prosperity, health, success & bliss do not need any invitation.

This grounding stone brings a strange balance in personality of the owner. It prevents blabbing, unnecessary risks, illogical talks, and directionless paths; conversely, it makes you logical, wise, eloquent, and following the right path. The possessor of smoky quartz isn’t carried away by unnecessary emotions and always maintains a balance stature.

Experts found manifestation an amazing trait associated with this variety of quartz. Manifestation techniques catch speed and permit when done with the smoky quartz. Not only manifestation, this supernatural stone develops intuition & psychic vision as well.

Which diseases can be cured by Smoky Quartz?

Smoky quartz performs healing on abdomen, legs, hips, cramps, nerves, back pain, muscle pain, sprains, swellings, heart, and reproductive system.

How to use Smoky Quartz stone?

Here are some simple rituals to make the most of the Smoky Quartz stone:

Display the Crystal, Meditate with the Crystal, Keep Crystals on Chakras, Keep Crystals on Body, Manifestation, Wear Crystals, Carry Crystals, Bring Crystals to Yoga Practice, Bring Crystals to Spiritual & Psychic Practice, Block EMF Waves & Radiation, Sleep with Crystals, Heal & energize the belongings, and Use Crystal Grid.