Unakite Natural Raw Stones

Unakite can turn a common being into an occultist!

How is Unakite formed? Unakite is a type of metamorphic rock that is primarily composed of pink orthoclase feldspar, green epidote, and quartz. It is believed to have formed during the Precambrian era, around 1.8 billion years ago. The formation of Unakite involves a process known as metamorphism, which occurs when existing rocks are subjected to high temperature and pressure deep beneath the earth’s surface. Unakite is typically formed when shale or igneous rocks, such as granite, are subjected to these intense conditions. The heat and pressure cause the minerals within the rock to recrystallize and reorganize, resulting in the characteristic patterns and colours of Unakite. Unakite is primarily found in the United States, particularly in North Carolina and Virginia, but it can also be found in other parts of the world, including Brazil and South Africa. How does the Unakite assume colour? During the metamorphic process, the orthoclase feldspar in the original rock breaks down and reacts with the surrounding minerals to form a pink orthoclase feldspar. The green colour in Unakite comes from the mineral epidote, which is formed from the breakdown of hornblende or biotite. Quartz is also present in Unakite, often in the form of small grains or veins. What is so special about Unakite? Unakite is famous for developing intuition & psychic vision, whereby it ensures success in the occult field like Astrology, Numerology, Vastu Shastra, Tantra Siddhi, Tarot Card Reading, Runes Reading, Psychic Healing, etc. By working with the Unakite, the occultist becomes able to present accurate predictions and working remedies. Why should Unakite be your top choice? Nature has blessed the Unakite stone with the growth element. Owing to this, Unakite proves useful in the growth of organs like hair, nails, teeth, skin cells, and others. It also helps skinny folks in gaining a healthy weight! Unakite belongs to which planet? Unakite gives mixed results of Mars & Venus. This multitalented stone is capable of delivering spiritual, material & physical benefits to the owner. How can Unakite change your life? With the help of Unakite, the imagined events begin to manifest. It really emerges as a juju with which all noble wishes can be fulfilled. Shocking but true, if one regularly sits in the Unakite-driven atmosphere, he begins to see the future in advance. Therefore, occultists or fortune tellers keep Unakite around them by all means. It helps them receive universal guidance while consulting clients. With the Unakite power, the third eye chakra can be activated, with which the person becomes visionary, psychic, forecasting, and spiritual. Unakite levels up a common human being and helps meet the soul. The greatness of Unakite can be estimated by the fact that this is the single stone holding the powers of two anti-elements fire & water. By maintaining the balance of these two elements, Unakite makes a person worthy, ideal, and successful. The avatar of divinity – Unakite – makes life lighter than ever before. With the advent of this holy stone, matters like depression, anxiety, burdens, restlessness, insomnia, etc., fade away like darkness at sunrise. Which diseases can be cured by Unakite? Unakite treats chronic diseases, skin issues, hair fall, baldness, weakness, undergrown body, underweight, reproductive system problems, and pregnancy issues. How to use Unakite stone? Here are some simple rituals to make the most of the Unakite stone: Display the Crystal, Meditate with the Crystal, Keep Crystals on Chakras, Keep Crystals on Body, Manifestation, Wear Crystals, Carry Crystals, Bring Crystals to Yoga Practice, Bring Crystals to Spiritual & Psychic Practice, Block EMF Waves & Radiation, Sleep with Crystals, Heal & energize the belongings, and Use Crystal Grid.


How to Use:

  • You may wear it in the neck.
  • You may wear it as earring.
  • You may wear it as a bracelet.
  • You may use it as a key ring.
  • You may keep it in the purse, pocket or bag.
  • You may keep it under the pillow or on the bedside.
  • You may establish it in the worship room or office.
  • You may dip it in the water for the whole night and drink its charged water in the morning.


  • Remove it before sleeping.
  • Remove it before taking a bath.


Unakite can turn a common being into an occultist!

How is Unakite formed?

Unakite is a type of metamorphic rock that is primarily composed of pink orthoclase feldspar, green epidote, and quartz. It is believed to have formed during the Precambrian era, around 1.8 billion years ago.

The formation of Unakite involves a process known as metamorphism, which occurs when existing rocks are subjected to high temperature and pressure deep beneath the earth’s surface. Unakite is typically formed when shale or igneous rocks, such as granite, are subjected to these intense conditions. The heat and pressure cause the minerals within the rock to recrystallize and reorganize, resulting in the characteristic patterns and colours of Unakite.

Unakite is primarily found in the United States, particularly in North Carolina and Virginia, but it can also be found in other parts of the world, including Brazil and South Africa.

How does the Unakite assume colour?

During the metamorphic process, the orthoclase feldspar in the original rock breaks down and reacts with the surrounding minerals to form a pink orthoclase feldspar. The green colour in Unakite comes from the mineral epidote, which is formed from the breakdown of hornblende or biotite. Quartz is also present in Unakite, often in the form of small grains or veins.

What is so special about Unakite?

Unakite is famous for developing intuition & psychic vision, whereby it ensures success in the occult field like Astrology, Numerology, Vastu Shastra, Tantra Siddhi, Tarot Card Reading, Runes Reading, Psychic Healing, etc. By working with the Unakite, the occultist becomes able to present accurate predictions and working remedies.

Why should Unakite be your top choice?

Nature has blessed the Unakite stone with the growth element. Owing to this, Unakite proves useful in the growth of organs like hair, nails, teeth, skin cells, and others. It also helps skinny folks in gaining a healthy weight!

Unakite belongs to which planet?

Unakite gives mixed results of Mars & Venus. This multitalented stone is capable of delivering spiritual, material & physical benefits to the owner.

How can Unakite change your life?

With the help of Unakite, the imagined events begin to manifest. It really emerges as a juju with which all noble wishes can be fulfilled.

Shocking but true, if one regularly sits in the Unakite-driven atmosphere, he begins to see the future in advance. Therefore, occultists or fortune tellers keep Unakite around them by all means. It helps them receive universal guidance while consulting clients.

With the Unakite power, the third eye chakra can be activated, with which the person becomes visionary, psychic, forecasting, and spiritual. Unakite levels up a common human being and helps meet the soul.

The greatness of Unakite can be estimated by the fact that this is the single stone holding the powers of two anti-elements fire & water. By maintaining the balance of these two elements, Unakite makes a person worthy, ideal, and successful.

The avatar of divinity – Unakite – makes life lighter than ever before. With the advent of this holy stone, matters like depression, anxiety, burdens, restlessness, insomnia, etc., fade away like darkness at sunrise.

Which diseases can be cured by Unakite?

Unakite treats chronic diseases, skin issues, hair fall, baldness, weakness, undergrown body, underweight, reproductive system problems, and pregnancy issues.

How to use Unakite stone?

Here are some simple rituals to make the most of the Unakite stone:

Display the Crystal, Meditate with the Crystal, Keep Crystals on Chakras, Keep Crystals on Body, Manifestation, Wear Crystals, Carry Crystals, Bring Crystals to Yoga Practice, Bring Crystals to Spiritual & Psychic Practice, Block EMF Waves & Radiation, Sleep with Crystals, Heal & energize the belongings, and Use Crystal Grid.