We use Prashna kundali when we do not have the exact birth time and/or there is only one single important question e.g. medical emergency. Or even if you have the birth details you might want to cross-check using the prashna kundali before coming to a conclusion in delicate matters.
You will draw the horoscope for the exact time the question is put to you and use it to answer the question. One big advantage is that you do not need to analyse the birth chart, the dasha or the transits. Limitation is one specific question per client. The basic analysis of the chart will remain the same as for any chart. Just pay attention to the following extra points.
The Question is all important.
This post is just for beginners to understand the basics and get interested in the logic. So here goes,
You have your software and you see the planetary chart of the present time. The Ascendant sign is very important here. This represents the environment of the ‘question’. So analyse everything about this sign. All the information that this sign will give you is important.
Is it in a fixed, in motion or dual natured sign –
The body parts represented by it – e.g. head by Aries. the people naturally represented by it (e.g. cancer is mother)
What planets are placed and/or here, malefic or benefic.
The Ruler of the ascendant sign is equally important. Analyse his position (house/sign both), the aspects he is under and the planets he is conjunct with.
All this has to be analysed with the nature of the question in mind.
If he is placed in the dushamsthanas 6th, 8th, 12th or with malefics it is not good. Placed in the kendras, 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th it is generally good and also has different meanings depending on the significations.
Placed with benefics is naturally good for the question overall, can expect a favourable outcome.
1st house – is used to predict change in the current situation.
4th house – is used to predict success (e.g. finance related question)
7th house – is used to predict returns of every sort (missing person coming back).
10th house – is used to predict activity, profession and movement away from the homelands.
Common questions and their Kendra significators,
Missing person –
Now the specific house to which the question is related. The keywords will help you identify the house and the planet connected with the question. Plus here are a few more to get you started.
Example, If a medical emergency related to the mother of the client, in addition to the above analysis, the Moon and the 4th house will be important.
You will similarly analyse the aspects on the house, the planets present in the house. And the power of the owner of the sign. This will give you a general idea of the question situation.
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