Crystal Quartz Natural Raw Stones

“Quartz gives a positive spin to each situation!”

How is Crystal Quartz formed?

Quartz is the second most widely available mineral in the earth’s crust and is available in different colours, structures & forms. It consists of two oxygens and one silicon atom. Quartz is also considered the crystalline form of silicon dioxide. This crystalline mineral naturally occurs in all types of bedrock, such as igneous, sedimentary & metamorphic. It takes loads of Silica, high temperatures & intense pressure to form crystal quartz. Though an abundant amount of crystal quartz or Krustallos is present across the world, its formation process is multipart and lengthy.

How does the Crystal Quartz assume colour?

Quartz – in its original form – is colourless. Any colour of crystal quartz materializes due to the presence of impurities like iron & minerals and heat exposure. Due to the varying colours, quartz is sold as amethyst, citrine, morion, smoky quartz, or so.

What is so special about Crystal Quartz?

The German word Quartz implies hardness. Quartz is a multipurpose crystal! In the spiritual world, it hoists its flag as the most powerful healing crystal, enhancing the aesthetic value of decorative items & jewellery; it is also used in wristwatches and advances the quality of floors – granite is approx. 20% Quartz; moreover, about 12% of the earth’s crust is quartz mixed with other minerals.

Why should Crystal Quartz be your top choice?

The supremacy of crystal quartz is ascertained by the fact that other stones depend on it for cleansing & purification. Anyone or anything that comes in contact with quartz gets purified & energized. This natural crystal releases positive vibes 24/7 and give a constructive spin to every sphere of life. Many famous personalities have praised the positive effects of quartz in their lives.

Crystal Quartz belongs to which planet?

Usually, crystal quartz is suggested to please planet Venus, but its other varieties are suggested for other planets depending upon the colour.

How can Crystal Quartz change your life?

Negativity affects humans in the guise of sorrows, diseases, ignorance, financial problems, loneliness, career problems, debts, jealousy, quarrels, etc. Once this negativity is faded away, positivity arrives in the guise of happiness, enjoyment, spirituality, love, opulence, prosperity, health, wish fulfilment, etc. This massive switch becomes feasible with the help of crystal quartz. The power-bearing crystal leaves no room for negativity and promises an ideal life. It fades away the clouds of confusion also. Remarkable mental clarity is achieved in the company of a crystal, which develops discrimination, focus, intuition, forecasting, decision-making, and problem-solving. The energy of a crystal is so vibrant that one cannot feel dullness or lethargy under its influence. It keeps the human energy up and functioning keeps going. To develop focus & consistency, no motivation is better than crystals. Experts exploit crystal energies for manifestation. It is the first tool to correspond with the universal energies to attract or modify them. Evil eye, black magic, hexing, jealousy, etc., leave the space where crystal quartz is present. It is an unfailing safety tool for homes!

Which diseases can be cured by Crystal Quartz?

Crystal quartz is the most preferred healing stone for all diseases and promotes overall well-being. It is specially used for fevers, headaches, Insomnia, blood circulation, skin disorders like pimples, acne, eczema, dryness, itching, hives, impurities in the body & blood, severe pains, fever, blood pressure, etc.

How to use Crystal Quartz stone?

Here are some simple rituals to make the most of the Crystal Quartz stone:

Display the Crystal, Meditate with the Crystal, Keep Crystals on Chakras, Keep Crystals on Body, Manifestation, Wear Crystals, Carry Crystals, Bring Crystals to Yoga Practice, Bring Crystals to Spiritual & Psychic Practice, Block EMF Waves & Radiation, Sleep with Crystals, Heal & energize the belongings, and Use Crystal Grid.


How to Use:

  • You may wear it in the neck.
  • You may wear it as earring.
  • You may wear it as a bracelet.
  • You may use it as a key ring.
  • You may keep it in the purse, pocket or bag.
  • You may keep it under the pillow or on the bedside.
  • You may establish it in the worship room or office.
  • You may dip it in the water for the whole night and drink its charged water in the morning.


  • Remove it before sleeping.
  • Remove it before taking a bath.


“Quartz gives a positive spin to each situation!”

How is Crystal Quartz formed?

Quartz is the second most widely available mineral in the earth’s crust and is available in different colours, structures & forms. It consists of two oxygens and one silicon atom. Quartz is also considered the crystalline form of silicon dioxide. This crystalline mineral naturally occurs in all types of bedrock, such as igneous, sedimentary & metamorphic.

It takes loads of Silica, high temperatures & intense pressure to form crystal quartz. Though an abundant amount of crystal quartz or Krustallos is present across the world, its formation process is multipart and lengthy.

How does the Crystal Quartz assume colour?

Quartz – in its original form – is colourless. Any colour of crystal quartz materializes due to the presence of impurities like iron & minerals and heat exposure. Due to the varying colours, quartz is sold as amethyst, citrine, morion, smoky quartz, or so.

What is so special about Crystal Quartz?

The German word Quartz implies hardness. Quartz is a multipurpose crystal! In the spiritual world, it hoists its flag as the most powerful healing crystal, enhancing the aesthetic value of decorative items & jewellery; it is also used in wristwatches and advances the quality of floors – granite is approx. 20% Quartz; moreover, about 12% of the earth’s crust is quartz mixed with other minerals.

Why should Crystal Quartz be your top choice?

The supremacy of crystal quartz is ascertained by the fact that other stones depend on it for cleansing & purification. Anyone or anything that comes in contact with quartz gets purified & energized. This natural crystal releases positive vibes 24/7 and give a constructive spin to every sphere of life. Many famous personalities have praised the positive effects of quartz in their lives.

Crystal Quartz belongs to which planet?

Usually, crystal quartz is suggested to please planet Venus, but its other varieties are suggested for other planets depending upon the colour.

How can Crystal Quartz change your life?

Negativity affects humans in the guise of sorrows, diseases, ignorance, financial problems, loneliness, career problems, debts, jealousy, quarrels, etc. Once this negativity is faded away, positivity arrives in the guise of happiness, enjoyment, spirituality, love, opulence, prosperity, health, wish fulfilment, etc. This massive switch becomes feasible with the help of crystal quartz. The power-bearing crystal leaves no room for negativity and promises an ideal life.

It fades away the clouds of confusion also. Remarkable mental clarity is achieved in the company of a crystal, which develops discrimination, focus, intuition, forecasting, decision-making, and problem-solving.

The energy of a crystal is so vibrant that one cannot feel dullness or lethargy under its influence. It keeps the human energy up and functioning keeps going. To develop focus & consistency, no motivation is better than crystals.

Experts exploit crystal energies for manifestation. It is the first tool to correspond with the universal energies to attract or modify them.

Evil eye, black magic, hexing, jealousy, etc., leave the space where crystal quartz is present. It is an unfailing safety tool for homes!

Which diseases can be cured by Crystal Quartz?

Crystal quartz is the most preferred healing stone for all diseases and promotes overall well-being. It is specially used for fevers, headaches, Insomnia, blood circulation, skin disorders like pimples, acne, eczema, dryness, itching, hives, impurities in the body & blood, severe pains, fever, blood pressure, etc.

How to use Crystal Quartz stone?

Here are some simple rituals to make the most of the Crystal Quartz stone:

Display the Crystal, Meditate with the Crystal, Keep Crystals on Chakras, Keep Crystals on Body, Manifestation, Wear Crystals, Carry Crystals, Bring Crystals to Yoga Practice, Bring Crystals to Spiritual & Psychic Practice, Block EMF Waves & Radiation, Sleep with Crystals, Heal & energize the belongings, and Use Crystal Grid.