
Crystal / Sphatik – Diamond Cut Jap Mala

Crystal Sphatik is a calm & soothing stone puffed up with divine energies. It is a worthy stone that holds within the power of materialism and spiritualism. On one side, it makes you affluent, and on the other hand, it blesses you with spiritual enlightenment. Its impact is often quick and lasting.


How to Use:

  • You may wear it in the neck.
  • You may wear it as earring.
  • You may wear it as a bracelet.
  • You may use it as a key ring.
  • You may keep it in the purse, pocket or bag.
  • You may keep it under the pillow or on the bedside.
  • You may establish it in the worship room or office.
  • You may dip it in the water for the whole night and drink its charged water in the morning.


  • Remove it before sleeping.
  • Remove it before taking a bath.


Crystal Sphatik is a calm & soothing stone puffed up with divine energies. It is a worthy stone that holds within the power of materialism and spiritualism. On one side, it makes you affluent, and on the other hand, it blesses you with spiritual enlightenment. Its impact is often quick and lasting.