Evil Eye Mala

  • Evil Eye Mala nullifies the effect of the evil eye, thus, blessing you with health, wealth, prosperity, and longevity.
  • This Mala is alone enough to save you from a lot of troubles.
  • The amazing thing is that this protective Mala can be worn by people of any age.
  • Not only the person, but this Mala also does not allow negative energies to enter the house.
  • People who are troubled by evil spirits or fall ill frequently can get a lot of relief from this garland.
  • Evil forces always attack weak people; this Mala makes a person stronger and heavy on negative energies.
  • This extraordinary Mala changes your life as a whole and gets success in your personal & professional life as well.
  • By clearing your energies, strengthening your aura, and making you strong, the evil eye Mala makes you a fortunate, balanced, and successful person.


How to Use:

  • You may wear it in the neck.
  • You may wear it as earring.
  • You may wear it as a bracelet.
  • You may use it as a key ring.
  • You may keep it in the purse, pocket or bag.
  • You may keep it under the pillow or on the bedside.
  • You may establish it in the worship room or office.
  • You may dip it in the water for the whole night and drink its charged water in the morning.


  • Remove it before sleeping.
  • Remove it before taking a bath.


  • Evil Eye Mala nullifies the effect of the evil eye, thus, blessing you with health, wealth, prosperity, and longevity.
  • This Mala is alone enough to save you from a lot of troubles.
  • The amazing thing is that this protective Mala can be worn by people of any age.
  • Not only the person, but this Mala also does not allow negative energies to enter the house.
  • People who are troubled by evil spirits or fall ill frequently can get a lot of relief from this garland.
  • Evil forces always attack weak people; this Mala makes a person stronger and heavy on negative energies.
  • This extraordinary Mala changes your life as a whole and gets success in your personal & professional life as well.
  • By clearing your energies, strengthening your aura, and making you strong, the evil eye Mala makes you a fortunate, balanced, and successful person.