Feng Shui Evil Eye Hanging for Good Luck

Feng Shui principles emphasize the importance of positive energy, or chi, flowing freely in a space. The Evil Eye hanging is thought to help redirect any negative energy and allow for a more harmonious and balanced environment.The primary purpose of using a Feng Shui Evil Eye hanging is to attract good luck and positive vibes. It is believed to act as a magnet for good fortune and prosperity.


How to Use:

  • You may wear it in the neck.
  • You may wear it as earring.
  • You may wear it as a bracelet.
  • You may use it as a key ring.
  • You may keep it in the purse, pocket or bag.
  • You may keep it under the pillow or on the bedside.
  • You may establish it in the worship room or office.
  • You may dip it in the water for the whole night and drink its charged water in the morning.


  • Remove it before sleeping.
  • Remove it before taking a bath.


Feng Shui principles emphasize the importance of positive energy, or chi, flowing freely in a space. The Evil Eye hanging is thought to help redirect any negative energy and allow for a more harmonious and balanced environment.The primary purpose of using a Feng Shui Evil Eye hanging is to attract good luck and positive vibes. It is believed to act as a magnet for good fortune and prosperity.