Moonga Bracelet

Moonga Bracelet and courage are synonymous with each other. This eminent bracelet of Mars is a straightforward remedy for confidence, bravery, valour, and strength. Rich with the fire element, the Moonga Bracelet brings speed to everything you endeavour in your life. This king-like bracelet is determined enough to take the wearer to the heights of success. He who wears this Martian bracelet always stands in front. Reportedly, people have achieved high ranks in their jobs and lives after wearing a coral bracelet.
Benefits of Moonga Bracelet:
The benefits of wearing a Red Coral Bracelet are countless; yet, some assured benefits experienced by people are shared below:
  • It also blesses ample wealth, luxuries, and high living standards.
  • People wear it to achieve greater success and higher position in profession and life.
  • Holding intense energies, this bracelet removes obstacles & delays from life. It helps you keep moving forward.
  • Moonga bracelet is a choice of leaders! Society bows before the domination of the wearer of this Mangal Bracelet.
  • Moonga bracelet is a cost-effective substitute for red coral stone; hence, it is preferred to exalt the planet Mars.
  • It also has a significant role in removing obstacles in a marriage. Marriageable girls and boys shall wear this powerful bracelet for early marriage.
  • The red coral bracelet instils remarkable mental stability and gives everything which makes your personality very impressive, charming, and desirable.
  • In times of hardship, Moonga Bracelet proves to be the best aid. It does not let problems stay for longer & gives you the required courage to overcome them.
  • This macho bracelet makes sex life more satisfying than before. It also increases libido, fertility, and sperm count & quality, thus, contributing to progeny.
  • He who wears a red coral bracelet achieves impressive masculinity with physical strength, mental stability, stronger communication, confidence, and potentiality to lead.
  • One of the exciting benefits of the Moonga Bracelet is that it increases possessions, especially property & lands. It is a highly beneficial remedy for profit in the real estate business.
  • Usually, it keeps up overall health, but it especially treats irregular periods, weak immunity, piles, ulcer, bone marrow, weak bones, muscles, indigestion, blood diseases, malnutrition, miscarriages, infertility, brain tumour, and cancer.
Who Shall Wear Moonga Bracelet:
Generally, anybody can wear the Munga Bracelet for overall success; however, it provides guaranteed results in the cases mentioned below:
  • People having low confidence shall go for it.
  • People who are in leadership roles must wear it.
  • People in the real estate business shall wear it.
  • People who want to increase their possessions shall wear it.
  • People who are suffering from regular health issues must wear it.
How to Wear Moonga Bracelet:
Here are certain ways to use the Moonga Bracelet. You can use any one of them to take advantage of this magical bracelet.
  • Keep the Moonga in the pocket or purse.
  • Wear the Moonga Bracelet in either hand.
  • Children may keep the Moonga Bracelet in their school/college bag.
On Which Day to Wear Moonga Bracelet:
Moonga Bracelet can be worn irrespective of day and time. However, prefer to wear this magical bracelet in the daylight.
How Many Moonga Bracelets to Wear:
One bracelet is enough; however, more bracelets can be worn to enhance beauty.
Preventions While Wearing the Moonga Bracelet:
There are no such preventions to be followed while wearing the bracelet. You do not need to make any changes in your routine after wearing this bracelet. It will keep working and benefiting you till you are connected to it physically & psychologically.
Difference between Charged & Uncharged Bracelet: offers you both charged & uncharged Moonga Bracelets which you can order as per your need and budget. Charged bracelet reaches you after performing certain Puja, Chanting of respective Mantras, and giving intent to the bracelet which takes considerable time & energy. However, the charged bracelet begins to work faster than an uncharged bracelet. On the other hand, we also offer uncharged bracelets on which no custom of Puja, Mantra or intent has been performed. It does not mean the uncharged bracelet does not work; it just takes some time to sync with your energies.


How to Use:

  • You may wear it in the neck.
  • You may wear it as earring.
  • You may wear it as a bracelet.
  • You may use it as a key ring.
  • You may keep it in the purse, pocket or bag.
  • You may keep it under the pillow or on the bedside.
  • You may establish it in the worship room or office.
  • You may dip it in the water for the whole night and drink its charged water in the morning.


  • Remove it before sleeping.
  • Remove it before taking a bath.


Moonga Bracelet and courage are synonymous with each other. This eminent bracelet of Mars is a straightforward remedy for confidence, bravery, valour, and strength. Rich with the fire element, the Moonga Bracelet brings speed to everything you endeavour in your life. This king-like bracelet is determined enough to take the wearer to the heights of success. He who wears this Martian bracelet always stands in front. Reportedly, people have achieved high ranks in their jobs and lives after wearing a coral bracelet.

Benefits of Moonga Bracelet:

The benefits of wearing a Red Coral Bracelet are countless; yet, some assured benefits experienced by people are shared below:

  • It also blesses ample wealth, luxuries, and high living standards.
  • People wear it to achieve greater success and higher position in profession and life.
  • Holding intense energies, this bracelet removes obstacles & delays from life. It helps you keep moving forward.
  • Moonga bracelet is a choice of leaders! Society bows before the domination of the wearer of this Mangal Bracelet.
  • Moonga bracelet is a cost-effective substitute for red coral stone; hence, it is preferred to exalt the planet Mars.
  • It also has a significant role in removing obstacles in a marriage. Marriageable girls and boys shall wear this powerful bracelet for early marriage.
  • The red coral bracelet instils remarkable mental stability and gives everything which makes your personality very impressive, charming, and desirable.
  • In times of hardship, Moonga Bracelet proves to be the best aid. It does not let problems stay for longer & gives you the required courage to overcome them.
  • This macho bracelet makes sex life more satisfying than before. It also increases libido, fertility, and sperm count & quality, thus, contributing to progeny.
  • He who wears a red coral bracelet achieves impressive masculinity with physical strength, mental stability, stronger communication, confidence, and potentiality to lead.
  • One of the exciting benefits of the Moonga Bracelet is that it increases possessions, especially property & lands. It is a highly beneficial remedy for profit in the real estate business.
  • Usually, it keeps up overall health, but it especially treats irregular periods, weak immunity, piles, ulcer, bone marrow, weak bones, muscles, indigestion, blood diseases, malnutrition, miscarriages, infertility, brain tumour, and cancer.
Who Shall Wear Moonga Bracelet:

Generally, anybody can wear the Munga Bracelet for overall success; however, it provides guaranteed results in the cases mentioned below:

  • People having low confidence shall go for it.
  • People who are in leadership roles must wear it.
  • People in the real estate business shall wear it.
  • People who want to increase their possessions shall wear it.
  • People who are suffering from regular health issues must wear it.
How to Wear Moonga Bracelet:

Here are certain ways to use the Moonga Bracelet. You can use any one of them to take advantage of this magical bracelet.

  • Keep the Moonga in the pocket or purse.
  • Wear the Moonga Bracelet in either hand.
  • Children may keep the Moonga Bracelet in their school/college bag.
On Which Day to Wear Moonga Bracelet:

Moonga Bracelet can be worn irrespective of day and time. However, prefer to wear this magical bracelet in the daylight.

How Many Moonga Bracelets to Wear:

One bracelet is enough; however, more bracelets can be worn to enhance beauty.

Preventions While Wearing the Moonga Bracelet:

There are no such preventions to be followed while wearing the bracelet. You do not need to make any changes in your routine after wearing this bracelet. It will keep working and benefiting you till you are connected to it physically & psychologically.

Difference between Charged & Uncharged Bracelet: offers you both charged & uncharged Moonga Bracelets which you can order as per your need and budget.

Charged bracelet reaches you after performing certain Puja, Chanting of respective Mantras, and giving intent to the bracelet which takes considerable time & energy. However, the charged bracelet begins to work faster than an uncharged bracelet.

On the other hand, we also offer uncharged bracelets on which no custom of Puja, Mantra or intent has been performed. It does not mean the uncharged bracelet does not work; it just takes some time to sync with your energies.