Rudraksha Therapy

Rudraksha Therapy

Rudraksha- the sacred beads holds very high spiritual and medicinal values. These beads bless one with physical and mental health and enhance one’s spiritual quotient. The word Rudraksha is derived by the combination of two words Rudra (Lord Shiva) and Aksha (Tears) that as a whole denotes Lord Shiva’s tears. Lord Shiva meditated for the welfare of all the living creatures and when he opened his eyes he saw suffering & pain all around. Because of the intense sorrow, tears fell off his eyes that were destined to wipe away the tears of the mankind. Those tears when fell on the ground turned into trees of Rudraksha.

Rudraksha trees are commonly found in the areas between the Foothills of Himalayas & Ganges plains and in Indonesia. They acquire blue colored fruits. The upper coating when removed with the help of a brush or sand breakthrough the seed which is known as the magic bead- Rudraksha.

The divine qualities of this sacred holy bead were first found in ancient scriptures of Hindus. They are popular traditional healing beads extensively used to treat a several diseases and also purify the wearer spiritually, mentally & physically.

Daily Puja Procedure Of Rudraksha Bead

Start with sprinkling the holy waters of Ganga (Ganga jal) on the beads

  • Offer Sandal paste to the beads and chant ‘Om Nama Shivay’ nine times.
  • Offer unbroken rice chanting Om Nama Shivay mantra nine times
  • Offer incense fumes, chanting Beeja mantra of the beads 9 times.
  • Finally offer prayers to them and remember the beautiful form of Shiva wearing the beads all over His body.

Benefits​ of Rudraksha Therapy

Conducive To Chakra Healing

Different mukhi Rudraksha beads work on specific Chakras and balance them in a miraculous period of 7 8 days. They create resonance with the chakra and heal the blockage. For this knowledge of Rudraksha Ratna Science Therapy is important. Rudraksha beads have always been used by sages and monks in their prayers as well as meditation routines as they provide concentration and elevation of consciousness. Studies suggest Rudraksha holds electromagnetic, para magnetic, inductive dia magnetic and dynamic polarity or the ability to change its polarity.

Rudraksha apart from the Ayurvedic properties also have anti-ageing properties based on their electromagnetism.

Rudraksha beads have many powerful properties in releasing stress and pain and transforming one’s personality and outlook in a positive way. As different Chakras affect different bodily functions thus different Rudraksha beads are used to treat different physical, mental and emotional disorders.

Cure migraine

Rudraksha beads today are used to cure numerous physical and mental ailments. The beads straightaway influence the system & help heal rapidly.

Healing Potion

There is nothing on this planet that matches the natural benefits of wearing Rudraksha. A lot of herbal products of medicinal value are made out of the outer skin of the fruit, leaves and bark of the Rudraksha. But further research on this remains to be done.